Orlando Inc. Every Monday / August 1, 2011 

In July, the Central Florida Political Leadership Institute (PLI) held the first of three Mentoring Workshops which are an extension of the initial two and a half day seminar presented at the Crummer Graduate School of Business at Rollins College in May. 

Speakers included BusinessForce President Mike Ketchum who presented, 2011 Political Environment – By the Numbers, recent polling information on issues impacting the region; and David Johnson of The David Johnson Group, who examined Putting Together the Campaign Plan, outlining the mechanics of a winning campaign plan.

Additional Mentoring Workshops for the 2011 Central Florida Political Leadership Institute class are scheduled for September and November. 

Selected members of the 2011 PLI class have been contemplating a bid for elected office in the 2012 and 2014 election cycles. “PLI proved an invaluable experience in my making a decision to run for political office,” said Damien Richards, newly announced candidate for Volusia County Council District 4 Seat in Ormond Beach. “The expertise of these nationally recognized speakers and the depth of their presentations allowed for an extensive primer in all facets of running a successful policy oriented campaign.” 

With over 460 days remaining until the November 2012 contest, the Central Florida Political Leadership Institute will soon begin the application process for our 2012 class. “We encourage those who may be interested in running for office to stay tuned for upcoming information on the application process for our next PLI class,” said Christina Johnson, Director of the Central Florida Political Leadership Institute. 

A special thank you to our PLI sponsors whose time, talent and support is making a difference in offering future leaders the education necessary to succeed. 

BusinessForce, the “Political Action Arm” of the Central Florida Partnership, developed this groundbreaking, non-partisan initiative, uniquely designed to “equip and strengthen” our region’s next generation of elected leaders before they formally choose to run for specific public office by thoughtfully introducing them to the “rough and tumble world of politics.” The Central Florida Political Leadership Institute is receiving national attention for educating prospective local leaders on the basics of political campaigning, leadership skills for effective governing and critical public policy issues. 

Affecting positive change in the Central Florida Region requires strong “Regional Public Policy Advocacy” – an important line of business for the Central Florida Partnership. BusinessForce, our “Political-Action-Arm,” is making a positive difference by sharing important regional conversations, encouraging and supporting candidates for public office, and helping to guide civic, political and business leaders about the future.

Working together with Orlando, Inc., (Regional Entrepreneurship), Leadership Orlando (Regional Leadership), and myregion.org (Regional Research & Resolves), the Central Florida Partnership is moving “Ideas to Results.” 

For additional information, visit: www.orlando.org/businessforce