On3PR is the public relations firm representing Uber Technologies in Florida. In April 2014 On3PR was hired to assist with media relations efforts at the end of the 2014 Legislative Session to help tell the Uber story. The success of this effort turned a short-term project into a long-term client.
In January 2016, On3PR was hired full time to manage comprehensive public relations strategy and communications for Uber in Florida for both policy and product communications. On3PR hit the ground running and within the first two months organizing and executing a press conference announcing Uber’s economic impact on Florida and a ‘Work on Demand’ media event to bring on board new drivers; placing positive news stories on the proposed statewide regulations for ridesharing and corporate social responsibility efforts such as the first annual ‘Suits for Session,’ a joint initiative between Volunteer Florida and Uber, and ‘Walk Like MADD’ a joint effort with Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD); and managing a product launch, UberFAMILY, in the Orlando area.
In September 2016, On3PR led public relations efforts for one of the first UberEATS launches in the world: UberEATS Tampa Bay. Other successful UberEATS launches by On3PR included Orlando and St. Petersburg. Locally, On3PR was integral in Uber’s efforts to pass regulations in communities across the state. When efforts to negotiate with the Hillsborough County Public Transportation Commission on regulations failed, On3PR harnessed the power of the media to expose rampant collusion and protection of the entrenched taxi industry through press conferences, placed opinion editorials and arranged one-on-one interviews in both print and television.
During the 2017 Legislative Session, On3PR once again led public relations efforts for proposed statewide ridesharing regulations including arranging one-on-one interviews with Capitol Press Corps members from Florida’s largest media markets, arranging press conferences and distributing press releases, and drafting messaging for Uber Florida’s Twitter account.
In subsequent Legislative Sessions, On3PR has been a trusted partner in leading and relaying important messaging among elected officials and media, including the 2023 Tort Reform legislation which looked to curtail runaway auto insurance rates associated with lawsuit abuse.
Florida also turns to Uber Technologies during emergencies, including hurricane response and recovery, providing free rides to and from emergency shelters, providing food and water for personnel, and moving freight in and out of impacted areas.